If you have trouble logging in to Zoom or have any technical issues, please write us at iccphy@gmail.com
Join the meeting by clicking on the Zoom link provided to you in the email => follow the prompts to download and run the Zoom application => enter the meeting ID if prompted => click to join the audio. When you are in the meeting, click on the Start Video button to start your video. If you already have Zoom software installed, simply open Zoom, click ‘join’ and enter the meeting code.
You can mute and unmute your microphone. The host also can mute you. We recommend using a headset and/or microphone as it will lead to better sound quality than using your computer audio. Turn off all sound notifications on your device.
You will be allowed to share your screen during your presentation. Your computer screen will become visible to all the participants once you start sharing your screen. Please close other applications on your computer so that notifications do not appear during your presentation and have ready any files you wish to share. You are recommended to share the specific PowerPoint and not your desktop.
We are anticipating over 300 attendees who will come from a range of professional backgrounds with a varied level of knowledge and expertise in technical and scientific aspects across the subject area. Attendees can register and join the forum at any time before and during the forum.
The delegate participants will drop their questions in the chat panel and the moderator/chair of the program will pick the questions.
The session will be recorded for educational purposes and some for the video library. Most of the speakers have already consented to record their presentation but please inform us otherwise.