In Person | Online
First Round Submission Deadline : May 31, 2025
Save on First Round : Before June 15, 2025
Abstract Submission Open


Abstract Submission Deadline


Full Paper Submission Deadline


Conference Dates

Dec 12-15, 2025

Registration Information

Sign Up with ICC-2025 for Abstract submission and conference registration. If you have singed up and created an 'user account' at the conference website for abstract submission, the same can be used for the payment / registration, otherwise create a new account. Payment registration for the conference at the website will be opened after acceptance of the abstract and all the participants need to register on or before November 15, 2025

Registration Fees

Step wise information-

  1. Create user account 
  2. Submit your Abstract  from user panel. The status of abstract can be checked from user account. 
  3. After abstract acceptance, full paper can be uploaded.
  4. Pay registration fee after acceptance of paper from user account only. The registration for confernce is not available by DD or direct account depositing. 
  5. Receipt will generate after successful transcation.


Postal Address

Dr. Manoj S Shekhawat
Convener, ICC 2025

Department of Physics, Engineering College Bikaner,
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road,
Mobile : +91-7597968632